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Как по английски пишется человек паук

The yellowing smoke of a thousand experiments hangs in the air. When she looks back he looks down at his GEAR. OCK The imbeciles can wait I have better things to do than teach introductory Physics Rosomorf. Undergrads are kindless adolescence. OCK Thorkel you are the dummiest administrator our university has ever had. They look at it, curiously. Everything is shaking like in an earthquake Roz and Thorkel seem to dance in their place going crazy with anger and surprise.

OCK continues without a hitch But I OCK I now believe its possible that these counter forces can be It says "Anti- Force. OCK continues as he works This anti-force, once harnessed, is capable of undoing any natural force at which it is aimed OCK Pay no attention to the lights I of course steal its energy, and it looses power. We patch in the cyclotron The power that I am stealing OCK And so we stand, four square against the fundamental force that orders and maintains our universe OCK You are looking at a representation of two universes.

Way to do it. When your Mom and Dad, uh, passed away I had this idea I wanted you to be the best baseball player that ever was. Geez, what ever happened to that? BEN nods, rises sluggishly and slowly, and turns the sound off only.

This guy is a hard case. I hate little kids. This is a daily newspaper. We need news value photographs, not artsy-fartsy shit!

HARRY is the school nerd. ROZ knocking furiously Doctor Octavius! You are late for your lecture. The students are waiting. OCK The anti-force experiment has now reached the limit of electronic overload safety. Therefore, Weiner, you will disconnect the overload safety device OCK ignoring World class scientific mind and they stick me in the basement with this third rate cyclotron This is an enormous room, lab tables.

The total gravitational force must be quite exceptional. But I think I could find the time to go over it with you. Make sure it all He thinks that my theory is Professor Rosomorf, and he is after all the head of our Physics Department OCK Just a minute I ask you, Weiner OCK Weiner hissing Just get it. He too is forties.

OCK If it were possible to generate enough power behind it, the anti-force could wipe out not just gravity OCK My girl, it is! KIM teasing Hey, Flash She wraps it around her neck and turns to the boys. Peter looks at KIM. HARRY jabs him in the ribs. I gotta go over to the Daily Bugle. He has the look of Captain Nemo in his Nautilus. Perhaps we should put our heads together, if you know what I mean Never seen within the memory of man, or measured for its effect.

Leaks are here and there. OCK rising We begin again See if we can double the power output. The cyclotron whirls up. The lights go on. Louder, brighter than before. Sincere and serious, he has yet to develop a way with women.

I gotta grab them by the eyes. Every time you press the button of that Nikon of yours it costs you fifty-five cents. Because if you are A seedy east village walk up. Peter takes his camera and takes various shots of a wino.

BEN Look, just leave him alone, okay. Maybe I can help you out a little. My scholarship covers almost everything, and I sell some photos here and there. Today my physics professor asked for some of my work They might publish my work in the science magazine He offered me to be his assistant

A voice from the kitchen, a shadow of an intruder, is sneaking around. MAY comes in I was just so desperately bored As he works, a DOOR opens behind him. Someone walks quietly through the LAB. ROZ unruffled Award winning stuff. Damn lucky I hid it in my computer under another title. First Professor Octavius almost blows up the Physics lab You report it in triplicate, of course.

ROZ Thorkel, be careful when you talk to Octavius. OCK contemplating Okey, dokey I want to clean up my papers. Tomorrow you can have this room Mets are playing baseball on T. A cluttered but familiar living room sprawls comfortably around them.

He climbs the stairs to his building, looks through the mail, he collects from a beaten down mailbox. A one-room, shabby roof apartment, a chaos of books and papers. A photo enlarger and darkroom baths in kitchen pots; 8x10s tacked to the walls; a spare camera and lenses. Self-consciously wacky kitsch; plastic dinosaurs, wind-up toys, a stuffed carp. A grimy skylight leads to the roof.

The light is blinding! It is making its way up to the LAB! Liz wraps her fingers in the GATE. He fumbles with it. OCK The universe is made up of forces Science is the study of the forces!

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